Grab bonus interest rate with Special Call Deposit Account

Grab bonus interest rate with Special Call Deposit Accounts!

KBZ Bank is pleased to announce a new campaign which will reward a bonus interest rate to Special Call Deposit Deposit Account (Cash Call Deposit Account) which allows easy access to funds and enjoy daily interests!

How to Participate
To participate in this campaign, simply hold a Special Call Deposit Account with KBZ Bank. While the campaign runs, the average monthly balance of your account will be compared to its average monthly balance of the previous month. On the total incremental amount of the average monthly balance, a bonus interest at a maximum rate of 1% p.a. will be rewarded for the month. All types of Special Call Deposit Accounts are eligible in this campaign. 

For example: If there is an average monthly balance of 20 million (20,000,000 Kyats) in your account at the end of July and average monthly balance of 20 million (20,000,000 Kyats) at the end of August, you get to enjoy a bonus interest for the month of August at the rate of 1% per annum.

This campaign runs from 1st August to 30th September, 2024.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow your savings effortlessly—take advantage of this bonus window now!

Terms and conditions apply.