
A Chance to Win 1 million Kyats Every Day – FAQs

A Chance to Win 1 million Kyats Every Day – FAQs

Who is eligible for the Lucky Draw Campaign? New and existing customers of KBZ Bank (Individual or Corporate) who open a new Fixed Deposit (any type) or new Cash Account (any type) or Ordinary Account (any type) and deposits or transfers MMK 100,000 and above during the campaign period of...
Special Monsoon Promotion – FAQs

Special Monsoon Promotion – FAQs

What is “Special Monsoon Promotion”? As showing appreciation to our valuable KBZ Bank and KBZPay customers, our customers will get top up bills rewards up to 500,000 MMK Eload of “Special Monsoon Promotion” when they top up MPT numbers. Rewards Top up bill rewards from 3,000 MMK to 500,000 MMK. When is...
Receive money instantly from overseas and withdraw 100% in cash – FAQs

Receive money instantly from overseas and withdraw 100% in cash – FAQs

How can the customers withdraw the money transferred through Thunes (Transfer To), Tranglo and Ria? Customers will be able to withdraw 100% of the cash transferred through Old Accounts and New Cash Accounts. Types of  Bank Accounts are as below Old Accounts Saving Account – Individual and Joint ,Minor Current...