Pride Month Tea Talk

Pride Month Tea Talk

KBZ Bank celebrated Pride Month with a Tea Talk Webinar on Global Pride Day, June 28th.

Our engaging panel, featuring four KBZ Bank employees representing diverse gender identities, led an engaging and meaningful conversation. With a knowledgeable moderator steering the discussion, we delved into topics such as SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression), challenging stereotypes, the importance of knowing and respecting others’ SOGIE, and more.

More than that, we delved into ways we can all contribute to creating a more inclusive society and workplace, by sharing practical tips and personal experiences. 🙌

The overwhelming support from our employees, who participated in the webinar and voiced their solidarity with our LGBT colleagues and community, was truly heartwarming. 💙

This event was more than just a corporate activity; it symbolized a commitment to diversity and an inclusive culture where everyone is respected and valued. Taking the lead in facilitating such an open conversation is a testament to KBZ Bank’s pioneering role in diversity and inclusion.

Proud to be part of #KBZBank – where everyone is encouraged to be their authentic selves!

🌈🎉 Celebrating #PrideMonth | #Inclusivity | #KBZBank

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