KBZ Bank crossed another extraordinary milestone today, clinching seventh place out of 260 companies, and third place out of 29 banks for its debut Pwint Thit Sa assessment. These strong results are testament to KBZ Bank’s commitment towards corporate transparency and governance.
Daw Nang Lang Kham, Deputy CEO of KBZ Bank said, “We are glad to be named amongst the top 10 most well-governed and transparent large companies in Myanmar. This validates the transformation journey we have had over the past few years, and marks a significant milestone for us in our move towards becoming one of the world’s best-managed banks.”
“MCRB has welcomed KBZ Bank’s participation in our discussions and workshops around responsible business over recent years, and in particular the leadership they have shown on disability inclusion, and the role they play as a founding member of the Business Coalition on Gender Equality. We look forward to working with them on other collective actions by businesses – particularly banks – to strengthen Myanmar’s ability to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Vicky Bowman, Director of Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB).
Nicolas Delange, Founding Partner of Yever said, “Despite 2020 being KBZ Bank’s first year of assessment – previously the Group was assessed – they did well to land a spot in the top 10 list, with them securing the second highest score for Corporate Governance disclosure. We hope this can serve as a good example and inspiration for everyone.”
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